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Hand-built oxidation fired earthenware

Wall mounted 35cn x 150cm

horizontally outlining 250cm x 80Cm


General Assembly consists of a number of handmade grey ceramic stoneware plates with white slip; each plate is inscribed with one of the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948).

This work asks questions about the significance of inaction of the individual in society. Plates are mounted on a gallery wall in formation spelling the Persian word for love (Eshgh) and the remaining plates are placed horizontally outlining an exclamation mark.

The process of covering a non-porcelain clay object with white slip is a traditional method for making imitation porcelain and in this work, the use of white slip to cover grey clay becomes a metaphor for the unrealised ideals of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The choice of clay dinner plates provides a reference to the history of human civilisation and allows the work to be read from different cultural perspectives.



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