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Hand built, Oxidation fired Stoneware

Dimensions variable

Dancing with every rhythm aims to express a visual as well as physical sensuality. This expression of movement is enhanced by showing the work as a concert of ceramic pieces; a group installation creates a meditation based on the suggestion of movement and stillness at the same time.

Dancing with every rhythm was influenced by the thirteenth century Persian poet Rumi for his poetic sensibility. Jala al-din Rumi (d.1273) was one of the greatest mystic poets who expressed spirituality in verse. Habibi did not aim to express a literal representation of the Whirling Dervishes but aim for her work to act as a metaphor for the meditative practices adopted by spiritual Sufis and the relationship between personal and universal narrative and transformation within a spiritual context.

The spiritual journey of individual thought and sensation to reach love and perfection.  The sculpture encapsulates the whirling movement of the figure as a spiral form with a range of shadowy tones and highlights, to enhance the appearance of movement in the form. Habibi aims to express these qualities in her work by exploring how to express beauty and movement though a spiralling movement in a three dimensional form.

To expresses the wonder of love.  Love can be experienced by all of us. The human being has been created with love in order to love. Rumi says, “All loves are a bridge to Divine love. Yet, those who have not had a taste of it do not know.

To utilise the motif of a continuous curved line and a variety of possible positions invites the viewer to explore the full-body shape from various angles. The eye travels across and around the form; running along spirals and discovering rhythm and contrast.

All images on this website are subject to copyright Mojgan Habibi. Contact for inquires or permission for use of images.
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